WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY ICONIC RCMP? Wednesday, September 27, 2017
For journalists, I have left a package of documents with you that I trust you will peruse and make up your own mind to what they purport; not what I tell you or even what I am suggesting has or is happening.
I prefer to write although I am better at typing. RCMP what does it stand for? I know the initials stand for – Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Iconic history, NWMP, NWM Rifles, RNWM Police.
As A.B. Perry knew in 1918 for the Mounted Police to be successful had to depend on
- Its organization,
- Its personnel
- Its discipline
- Its training
- Its Esprit de Corps
From these we received the iconic history of a once proud organization, currently known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. None of these five (5) principles exist today – in particular the highest levels up to, and including, the COMMISSIONERS OF THE RCMP.
I am saddened by that because I am a former member of the Force and my thoughts have gone in this direction! However, the truth needs to be brought out.
I would also like to qualify firstly that I am not wanting to denude any member, male or female, the respect they deserve. I will however go after your position, the rank you have taken on, the failure to uphold that position of trust and the oath of responsibility that you have neglected.
“The cadets” that enter training Academy in Regina have replaced “the recruits at Depot Division” of yesterdays. The word “cadet” is offensive to me – they’re young men and women, many who now are married and of an older age. I was a “cadet” at age 14 and 15, twelve and thirteen years of age at Camp Ipperwash and Camp Borden, Ontario. So why are we not treating them like men and women. Sad that all of them will never meet a man like the corps sergeant major W.F. MacRae, a man that instilled pride, discipline, Esprit de Corps, a feeling of comradery and respect for one another.
To a certain degree a fear of him if you stepped out or spoke out, a type of discipline that in situations in the field later in our lives — we understood why. Sgt. “Baldy” Stevens.
In 1974 the RCMP took on a whole new dimension, some in the Force accepted it, many didn’t. The formation of Troop 17 (1974/75). The first female Mounties, as history showed, and has proven; disgusting conduct raised, and continues today, to raise its ugly head. One of many issues facing the Force today. Read the documents attached please. Year after year the Force, the government, will and have consistently stated they are, and have, dealt with this issue. It started with some instructors in training.
Then why have they issued and set aside one hundred plus million dollars ($100,000,000.00) to cover up the class action lawsuit brought on by the female officers of the Force. The documents show over the years – a total denial – and what sort of hell have these women, their families endured over an exhausting period of time.
Justin Trudeau, Jodi Wilson-Raybould – Attorney General; Ralph Goodale – The Public Safety Minister; Bill Morneau – The Finance Minister; The Senate; The House of Commons…..did they all sign off on this? Advising us, the public, that the women do not have to come forward, spare them the pain in public.
The above are falling all over themselves, in congratulatory fashion, on covering this report. The Force, the government could and will NOT allow these women and their stories to come forward because any and all respect you once had for the RCMP will be gone.
How does the settlement make-up for what has happened? How have they changed? To the Canadian public – it’s ‘alright’. Cash $$$$ to cover up sexual assault.
Question! Who gets disciplined? Who got transferred? Who got a demotion? Who was held accountable? “NO ONE’!! Who is more at fault, the ones committing the acts (offences) or the ones (higher ranks) covering it up?
We, the public need good police officers, and we are losing them, not because of what the public is causing or creating for them, but what their own Force is doing TO THEM.
The picture with Justin Trudeau, grinning from ear to ear in Regina at the training Academy surrounded by female “cadets” (recruits) was taken three days after he turned down “Wynn’s Law” the motion before the House of Commons that would protect you and I, the public, from violent offenders that could get bail and be right back on the street. This was after Justin Trudeau sat in the home of Cst. Wynn’s wife/widow and promised to support the above motions.
Cst. Wynn and an auxiliary constable were shot. CST. WYNN DIED. St. Albert Alberta Canada Google it.
Mayerthorpe AB (Alberta Canada)
Spiritwood SK (Saskatchewan Canada)
Moncton NB (New Brunswick, Canada)
Three (3) different tragedies
On 29OCT11, adjudication coming down in the trial against the Force over the deaths of three (3) RCMP officers and the wounding of two (2) others. In total – ELEVEN PREVENTABLE DEATHS of dedicated young members of the RCMP.
The public needs to know the truth about these tragic deaths – there are a lot of facts that have never been released regarding these tragedies, cover-ups and absolute lies!! All to protect the image of the Force.
A great deal of thanks goes out to Darryl Davies professor of law/criminal justice at Carleton University, for his dedication and knowledge of these issues.
We have too many members who have been transferred, incurred claimable expenses, courses paid for that are not yet reimbursed, upgrades to bilingual, pay raises promised for the costs, defended allegations against members – dragged on from three and a half to eight and more years – from $20,000.00 – $75,000.00 and up and that has never been paid or reimbursed, as promised. “Oh, it’s coming!” Break them to defeat them.
Members who have borrowed, exhausted their savings, ruined their marriages. Families that are now carrying that extra monies promised – applied additional now on their mortgages. Break members to force them out.
The members can deal with the pressure and what they are exposed to on their job, the career they chose – compound what the Force from inside creates, you and I are not required to put up with this. So, are we prepared to get behind these members? They are prepared to go to the end for us – to serve and protect – even though they are stigmatized, understaffed (12% of the Force) minimum, 2500 members ill-equipped – improperly trained. What a hell of a way to try and perform, carry out your duties, especially safely. As to why some members leave – retire early – they are fed up with what is happening. Many would stay another five or ten years, to re-engage. These MENTORS, who bring valuable experience we all benefit from, their years of service and knowledge, are gone.
The story of members who have stood up to an issue, now that the Force wants them out – at all costs – to waiting while the member is on course or away – then pounding on the door of his family home where the wife and children are inside. The sergeant hollering as he pounds “give us his Red Serge or no more pay cheques!” Should this scene bother us — it better!! This story is forthcoming from the people involved.
This member had not been charged with any kind of offence, merely standing up for what he believed in.
As a note – perhaps Bob Paulson, former Commissioner of the RCMP, can return (joke) and explain to the public the $1.7 million dollars he set aside to pay some of his upper ranks – and from where the money came and why!!
Then to Interim Commissioner Bev Busson, who can explain a comment to a group of young women she invited through the news media, to attend a hall to hear her presentation on encouraging young women to join the Force. At the end of the presentation a young lady asked Ms. Busson about the Force and how far they had come with the acceptance of women. Ms. Busson noted her daughter is with the RCMP and said the “bullies” in
the Force are few and far between. And “when they are exposed they are dealt with properly”.
The above sentence was, and still is, an absolute lie.
Salmon Arm Observer. Wednesday, June 3, 2015
There will be no change until we get to the truth, so let’s just confront it.
Come on Canadians – Let’s confront this.
They – the Force – is comprised of decent, dedicated, caring, honest men and women; will we let this iconic historical force disappear without a whisper?
The bad only survives when good will not stand up. History for the Force continues, now a feature of the RCMP. A further report in 2012, again another internal RCMP study revealed that female Mounties continue to be bullied and harassed by their colleague and superiors. The study suggested that “gender-based harassment happened frequently”, prompting Deputy Commissioner Craig Callens to create a team of one hundred members to investigate harassment complaints.
D/Commissioner Callens (now retired, summer of 2017), was in charge of E-Division, all of British Columbia. “100 members to investigate”. What then happened? Another study.
D/Commissioner Callens retired over 5 years later. Studies in 1993, September 1996 and again another internal survey conducted in 1999 was so alarming that the RCMP’s Chief human resources officer, Garry Loeppky issued a ‘Force-wide alert’ after the surveys found that “60% of female RCMP members reported being victimized by sexual harassment in the workplace.” It was higher than the number of complaints that were being filed, a matter of ‘great concern’ to Loeppky. Although he knew about it he did nothing.
In 2007, RCMP commissioned an independent study once again – federal politicians began to conduct their own studies of RCMP culture. The “Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence”. Another one….on and on into today.
I would have difficulty paying much attention to the Senate today, even though I believe in them for checks and balances, oversight of the House of Commons. The last few years have proven they are not capable of policing themselves. They have lost their moral compass, the capacity to decide every day common sense rules – they may not be criminal, but they are certainly not right. In fact, for the positions and qualifications they are supposed to hold, some of their actions are totally inexcusable. “BACK UP TO THE GOVT TROUGH MIKE DUFFY”. At the time there were over 32 members of the Senate under criminal investigation so why would they want to shake the trees of another federal scandal.
How do we know when something like this will happen? The Senate’s explanation for turning back the request for the carbine rifles for the RCMP, partially responsible for the death of three RCMP members and two injured, at Moncton NB (New Brunswick Canada).
Former Commissioner Bob Paulson would have the taxpayer believe as he stated at Moncton NB “I do not want the public to see high calibre automatic weapons going to a complaint of a shoplifter”. WOW. What condescending arrogance and on the way to the shoplifter complaint a call comes in for an individual firing a rifle, people down – EXPLAIN THAT MR. PAULSON.
Paulson testified at the labour trial he did not want the RCMP to have the appearance of a military, paramilitary force. The RCMP were formed up as a paramilitary force since their inception and have always been as such.
The Force’s movements and troops are comprised of thirty-two members in a unit. Mounted units on horseback, armed with rifles, back riot control throughout the entire history of the Force, in all parts of Canada.
Members qualified and trained in the use of lever and bolt action rifles. Ross rifle and Lee Enfield .303, 308 Winchester, hence the “lock and load” expression. During the 2nd World War – shots of 500 yards were recorded, 100 – 300 yards were common. Today, these same rifles are available at a top cost of $800.00 each. In the larger detachment contracts, the ERT (Emergency Response Team) is equipped with C8 Carbine weapons. However, how do members wait for the ERT arrival. Adequate supply (not just in the office) in each patrol car should be a mandatory requirement. Mayerthorpe AB Canada.
So, Mr. Paulson you would have the public believe the only available rifle is your $4,895.00 carbine at a training cost for members of $2500.00 for three members for two days.
Since their inception and have always been as such. The forces’ movements, troops are of thirty-two members in a unit. Most members will be retired before they get to be trained.
A standard hunting rifle in the .303, .308 calibre in the field and their use of and training will suffice. “Wait a minute, they don’t have these?” A great reminder of the wrong time when you are on your bicycle without your helmet, flying through the air and looking at your shadow coming up from the pavement. It’s a little late to be thinking about your helmet now.
The difference of importance is that you will still be alive, your fellow officers will be alive, the civilians around you as well. You get to go home at the end of your shift, to your loved ones, get up in the morning with gratitude and work another day. Personally, I’m not sure why you are firing ten to 30 rounds at one target, not much accuracy, the second and third round had better count.
Mounted Police officers cannot complain nor go to the press publicly about poor conditions or unfair discipline, a further reflection of the militaristic nature of the RCMP. As early as 1914, 1919, under the Rules and Regulations – Section 30 for the Government and Guidance of the RCMP, rank and file Mounties could face arrest “for making any anonymous complaint to the government or the Commissioner, communicating without the Commissioner’s authority, either directly or indirectly, to the public or press on any matter or thing touching the Force”.
The leadership of the Force and the government also consistently blocked efforts of unionization throughout the twentieth century, which still exists today.
What and who created the delay in the class action lawsuit being filed by the female Mounties to the Supreme Court of Canada? The federal government and the RCMP (when and what role did Ralph Goodale our Safety Minister have to play in this?). When the harassment complaints reached between three hundred (300) and four hundred (400) the government still felt the route was “deny – deny” “allegations” “not proven in court”!! Well, it rose to one thousand (1,000) to all likelihood 1,500* and others that still won’t come forward out of fear, intimidation and reprisal.
* We now know that these figures now are over 3,000 claimants and other lawsuits have arisen to exceed $1Billion set aside.
Any judgments against the Force (government) are immediately appealed to add insult to injury. It is about creating delays – horrific, horrid, more stress and a heavier financial burden. The government has an inexhaustible supply of money – it comes from you and I, the taxpayers, along with a thousand (1,000) lawyers.
The last sentence by Bob Paulson on the release of the news coverage “The reign, the wrath of God shall rain down on you all”. Where was this man?
I have no doubt that these upper rank police officers (‘white shirts’ to many) at a time in
their service were excellent police officers – what happened along the way? You have
become perfect puppets and government servants!
Bob Paulson was ordered, due to a decision of the Supreme Court, to allow the RCMP to
proceed ahead in setting up an independent structure to represent members of the Force, that he would step aside and not hinder the process. Within days Bob Paulson issued a directive right across Canada, to all members of the RCMP “no member will use, utilize any communication device, copy equipment or services of the RCMP while on duty, in any office for the purpose of assisting the process or implementation of an organization, a union that will independently represent an outside body.”
The same man speaking at the Moncton NB shooting inquiry, the Commissioner. “The perfect servant of the government and Safety Minister”, Ralph Goodale.
Bob Paulson called out publicly, Rolly Beaulieu, along with two other individuals – an open ridicule, mainly because R. Beaulieu was a Director on the National Board of the BCMPPA (British Columbia Mounted Police Professional Association) vying for representation for the members in the field. At a meeting and presentation in Vernon BC, Rolly Beaulieu’s vehicle was searched, ‘thoroughly searched’….why? We know why, where was this approved? There were no reasonable and probable grounds for that search. There were members in those meetings that were reporting back to the sub/division headquarters, not only about who was at these meetings but how they were proceeding with the formation.
There were photos in the documents showing members in protest (Valleyview Detachment AB) regarding salary raises, the removal or coverup of stripes on the uniform, rotating regions of BC, Alberta, Canada wide – all provinces.
I was protesting in Kamloops BC at the time when a group of members were covering up/removal of stripes in BC (May 2017). I was walking the sidewalk in front of the Kamloops Sub/Division headquarters. A city in which all of the issues described on these pages – happened here – Kamloops.
Upon returning to my home, I placed a call to one of the members suggesting that they keep the public on their side and not tear off or remove the yellow stripes (pants). That not one of us has earned that right, to alter this uniform. Remove your blues and put on black or blue combat pants. Be uniform in what you are doing, I suggested. Your blues are not practical for everyday use in the field. How do you work at night with two yellow stripes glaring in the dark, the combat pants are dressy and practical – the blues are for ceremonial, formal duties, they will always exist. These views were given to me by two good friends in Ottawa. Don’t use the reason for this to be a pay raise reason – the less salary was the straw that broke the camel’s back for you.
Keep the public on your side. The Montreal police tried this route and the public turned against them, camouflage pants, zebra stripes, red caps….because the issue went on for so long, the public turned against them, calling them monkeys.
The Senate, the House of Commons, are not going to address your salaries anytime soon. Get the public on your side. The people know you so inform them of the other issues. The public writes letters and they get involved if they know the issues.
If you are signing on to representation that will get you behind the eight ball on your issues,
instead of in front of it, you need to think about how your actions are perceived by the
public and the advice you are getting. By the way, I wear the yellow ribbon on my suit that
supports your issues – the ones made by the female S/Sgt from the Maritimes.
Your boss – Deputy Commissioner Brenda Butterworth-Carr will issue you a “code of conduct” charge (it’s a joke)…the one that states she is ‘tenacious, steps up to the issues’, also said she has ‘heard about the stories of harassment of the female members’. STORIES?! Where the hell has this lady been for the last thirty/30 years of her service? What has she done for the members of the Force.
There are as many female officers, higher ranks in the Mounties as men – and what have you all done for the members of the Force? Besides cover it up or go along….or that you heard stories but didn’t see any disgusting conduct. You know there are three little statues that depict these people – hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
The final chapter I am commenting on, if you’re not on the edge of your seat, sitting upright, should I hope to have you standing straight up after some painful truth about the issues pertinent to PTSD – POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.
CBC NEWS Tuesday August 7, 2017
RCMP – Stress Study regarding PTSD – REVIEW
Plans are in order to study Operational Stress Injury (another term for PTSD). I have some comments on this issue however for me the level of emotion will restrict my comments.
Please look at the photographs of some of these members.
THEY SHOULD ALL BE STILL ALIVE. All with over 20 years of service
Sgt. Pierre Lemaitre July 2013 age 55
Cpl. Ron Francis November 2013
Cpl. Neil Ogurian May 2014 age 56
S/Sgt (retired) Michel Page June 2014 age 55
Cpl (retired) Ken Barker July 2014 age 51
Cpl Trevor O’Keefe September 2017
These are but a few of the many who served the public with integrity and dedication. What of the press, the news. Do they cover the emotional, human element of these issues, or another day of news? Where are these journalistic qualities? Will you lose some form of subsidy or bonus for not surfacing the depth of these issues? The government and the powers to be in the RCMP will not address these issues. How about another feasibility study? Sound good?
Sgt Pierre Lemaitre died the day the RCMP announced four RCMP officers were thrown under the bus for perjury regarding the botched, high-profile death of Robert Dziekenski, a Polish immigrant who died after being tasered by Mounties at the Vancouver International Airport in October 2007. The RCMP have blamed and continue to blame this issue on the low level of recruiting individuals not wanting to join the Force.
The death should not have happened, however, it did, and I do not say this lightly….the member using the taser was trained to taser until the individual stayed down. The members were whisked away immediately into a confined area, secured from the public until they gave audio statements, dictated by highest of ranks (not hand written). Refusal to do so would constitute an offence against them.
Sound anything like the rights you and I have?
The members wanted to say what they had to say – not what they were told – cover up the image of the Force, at all costs. Well, the coverup never went away, it dogged the RCMP for the next several years. Sgt. Lemaitre, senior Public Information Officer for BC, never drafted personally even one of the many press releases. They were given to him by Superintendent Wayne Rideout, a ‘superintendent’ in the Force and this was never acknowledged. What level of stress did Sgt. Lemaitre and his family go through even before his death and again what did the higher ranks reveal, along with the government?
Sgt. Lemaitre took his own life the day he learned the four (4) members were being charged with perjury.
Say anything to you?
Superintendent Wayne Rideout. Where is he now?
What conversation went on amongst the provincial government, the federal government and the RCMP about a 2 Billion ($2,000,000,000.00) contract that was to be negotiated yet could be at risk for the upcoming police services for the province of BC until 2032, which currently exists.
William Elliott, Commissioner of the RCMP – first civilian commissioner in the history of the Force, told to get his act together. See you four Mounties, “you’re on your own”. Public anger wanted someone blamed.
Well, we did a good job didn’t we? Perhaps. When the truth now comes out, the four/4 members might just have a chance at a fair trial. The last two. Who gives the family of Sgt. Lemaitre back their loving father and husband?
The photo coverage in sight of Cpl. Ron Francis, nothing about his twenty years of great service. “Give us your red Serge!!”…..a weakness tactic to push members over the edge. The news ‘just happened to be there’ to obtain the coverage, exactly what the Force wanted – posted photographs, were we all angry at the ‘pot smoking Mountie’? As he was about to break down, caught him crying.
What created Ron Francis’s PTSD in the first instance? Was he not entitled to doctor’s prescription medication, as we all are?
When they (targeted sufferers), those who suffer from PTSD, attempt to deal with the trauma level that sets in over whatever triggers the emotional level. Now it will not be what has caused this, not what will sink our members into further despair – into an utter loss of hope and into a path of suicide…..it will be the Force (RCMP). Period.
The upper ranks will not deal with it, as Mr. Bob Paulson stated. The six or seven sessions with the psychologist or psychiatrist, in which you have not “sucked it up”, “muster on”, then we will decide what happens, not your doctor.
Try administrative duties for awhile. Where your former coworkers watch you ring the outside entrance buzzer, then sign in for the day, sitting at a desk while they talk about you, give you glances, leer and sneer. You’re not included in the conversations anymore. Now the push comes to shove.
The ranks above you want you gone. You have little, if any, of your own self esteem left. You question your own worth. Why? That is because this is how the Force intends to justify getting you out. The majority of your fellow members don’t care – you’re creating work pressure (for them). Maternity leave on top of you, too many files, no replacements as one cannot replace the ‘absentee’. They are still on strength. There is no increase in budgets, personnel, the government has said so. Your NCO will insist that you discuss (all) your interviews with your psychologist with him – ‘confidential’ medical information. Now it is somehow being shared in the office!
Bob Paulson was an expert at seeing this phase carried out. Now comes your assessment recommendation to have you removed from the Force as “Medically Unfit for Duty”.
One should have a good lawyer, deep pockets of money and a lot of time, due to how the Force will drag this on and this is only if you are single. If you are married you are going to drag your family through a further emotional hell. Although these words “holy hell” never come together – it is a scenario that your family is about to encounter that is only engineered by the government, prime minister, safety minister and the RCMP. The promise to look after you never really existed – for study and rebuttal they will continue to talk the talk but will never walk the walk.
The release of your confidential medical files can only be authorized by YOU! All of us love to talk about what we know the least.
The photo of Sgt Patrick Webb “Red Serge shines” has my total attention and for his 31 years of service my heartfelt thanks. The Force’s reputation has been tarnished, lost a lot of its lustre. It can however be re-polished, only if they wish to deal truthfully with the answers. I see in Sgt Webb’s face disappointment. “I think the present management is facing those issues and taking care of them properly. That the RCMP will be stronger and better once the issues are addressed and resolved.”
They ARE NOT, nor will they ever be, AND YOU KNEW THAT PATRICK WEBB.
I am asking you, the PUBLIC particularly the women of Canada, your organizations to get involved. You have the strongest of voices, the most emotional (in the best way). These are your sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, family members. Due to your involvement you will draw in the men in your life. Votes count, you cannot be ignored.
Emerson MB, border community, migrants crossing the border illegally. How many? We don’t really know. Quebec, the same thing. Under staffed, over worked members. Ralph Goodale “I’ll get right on that”!!
Ask the local people, the land owners how many crossed – the number undetected, the footprints in the snow that no person was picked up, the tire tracks that led away. “Come one, come all” Justin Trudeau says. “We have vetted them all”. How did you vet them all Justin Trudeau – they came from war torn countries where there are no records. “WAIT” Ralph Goodale gave $35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand dollars) to the Emerson community. This should make us all feel safe.
The entire community should circulate and sign a petition demanding the truth in the slaughter of four/4 young Mounties. A re-opening of this tragic event (?) and an inquiry with some integrity and honesty that the community deserves. Someone NEEDS to be held ACCOUNTABLE. Why were the members I served and trained with told to get the hell off of rural properties if you don’t know where the accused is?
Why was the police service dog not brought in to show the accused was not there in the first instance? How really big was the “chop shop” and “marijuana grow operation”? How about the request to the Superintendent in charge, for the ERT (Emergency Response Team) and the denial because there was no budget available….if the killer was so dangerous? Why did they not wait for the deployment of the ERT team?
What about a lawsuit? This one is founded and justified, to get accountability.
How about Moncton NB, the adjudication comes down this Friday – September 29, 2017. I pray we have a strong magistrate /provincial judge sitting on this trial. Sad though, the only charge is under the labour standards act. It may be a start, albeit a poor one. I know from some evidence during the trial that more than one person sold their soul in testimony.
In police investigations (ie: school or commercial bus drivers) who have care and control, safety of the passengers is in their hands and the vehicle overturns as the result of an omission, that causes serious injuries or death to the passengers. The upkeep of the bus company, maintenance is a factor as well for accountability – resulting in public outcry, in charges of criminal negligence, accountability – how long does this continue?
I am sure the government will appeal a decision if the verdict is not in their favour. Tax payer monies once again, an inexhaustible supply of money and lawyers.
This is not meant to be criticism on a comment made by one of the young members of Moncton NB when he said he had made up his mind before he joined the Force that he would give up his life if called upon. Young man, your life is important and special not to be given up lightly if you have been trained and possess the tools and equipment that has you involved in a situation that you are able to do the best with what you have and to use those skills. You may not have to give up your life.
Some of the gear you are supplied with is very inadequate. Your DND (Dept of National Defence) vest may withstand the impact of one high powered round, then breaks down. It is not custom fit for your build and body, rises up on your waist and back also requiring mandatory x-ray every three years. From my friends in Ottawa they have yet to see one get x-rayed.
Other police forces in Canada supply the custom-built vests that withstand several rounds to the body and not lose their protection capability. The cost you will pay to protect yourself similarly to other police forces is between seven hundred ($700.00 and one thousand $1,000.00) out of your own pocket – not paid for by the RCMP. WHY NOT? Information from a friend in E-Division and two friends in Ottawa.
Some documentation on the recruitment requirements to enter the Force are attached, can be found in the Forces website as well, which you will find drastically lacking in order to enter the training program. Once again – percentage acceptance – different groups 30% white, 10% female, 10% aboriginal, you get the idea, not the most suitable, best qualified, which should be the benchmark, regardless of colour, creed or race, male or female.
It only took the Force 19 YEARS to allow the right to wear the same uniform as the men. Out of skirts and pill box hats and a purse to carry their smaller calibre handgun. Five months to decide if the fur hats should be muskrat, beaver or a toque – 2016.
In 2002/03 between 28 – 30 troops did not receive paycheques – no salary – many had borrowed, on their student loans, monies from family, added to their existing mortgages and that still exists today.
Does someone in Ottawa care to explain the salary gap?
The security detail that protects our PM Justin Trudeau – I think they are there to protect him from himself. He likes to flit in and out – here and there for photo ops, selfies, totally unconcerned about the well-being and safety aspect for them. Entering Nathan Philip Square to the Mayor of Toronto took 28 minutes of stopping, running about for 18 photo ops. On a ski trip at Whistler, BC, our PM bragged his security detail could not keep up to him, “protect him from himself”! Will he grow up? Will he mature?
In a solemn ceremony that should have shown reverence and dignity as noted by Prince William and his brother Prince Harry, instead there he is, our PM, waving his arm no less than three different times, as though he were a kid at the Santa Claus parade. All the while on the monument dedicated to the memory of the fallen veterans who fought in the battle of Vimy Ridge. If I can ever forget this memory, only then will I have respect for him – knowing he is the boss of the RCMP….’Look at me, this is about me’.
As for people who call themselves journalists, who actually get to the truth, many of them fall short of the integrity in surfacing the truth as Christie Blatchford does. Please read ‘Fifteen Days’, ‘Helpless’ and ‘Life Sentences’ – authored by Christie Blatchford, three great books.
Please peruse the documents on the civilian death of Gregory Matters – shot in the back twice by the ERT – Emergency Response Team. “It is not a question of justice in Canada but how much justice can you can AFFORD!”
Once again I am asking The Public, particularly the women of Canada, all of you, to become involved in what is really happening INSIDE the organization of the RCMP that affect the men and women of the Force and their families, created by government control. The Force is not independent and to date has no voice. As of 1985, the Commissioner of the RCMP
became a Deputy Minister in the House of Commons. They now have no say over themselves. It’s directly in the hands of the Prime Minister.
You have the strongest of voices, the most emotional. These members are your sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, family members. Due to your involvement you will draw in the men in your lives. To the governments votes count. You cannot be ignored and your participation will bring about change.
A written message on a class blackboard in the residence in Ottawa University written by the young students regarding their issues – paper attached –
The message read
Justin Trudeau’s cabinet should not reflect percentages. It should reveal the best, most qualified people for those positions, if that means 80% women then so it should be.
I have never backed anarchy or believe in any form that creates chaotic behavior. I have always respected rank and file, even though some ranks do not deserve the respect. It should be earned not merely given. The Force would have you believe that the fault does not originate with them, they are a victim of the time, society and circumstances beyond control.
It amazes me that the word discipline never enters the picture, setting an example through discipline, deterrence, demotions, dismissal and accountability. It works. Young children learn discipline at an early age and they learn quickly that there are consequences for not behaving, certain punishment.
When the upper ranks are not punished/disciplined, it is observed by the lower ranks and now we have chaos. A good example is the Superintendent from Prince George BC – read the attached, enclosed news article. Is that what is called discipline? The city council did not agree. In fact, they were offended, and they clearly said so. The RCMP has lost control when there is no discipline. They have not had the capacity to police themselves for some time.
No ranking, current RCMP officer should be at the top of this outfit at the present time. An oversight committee should be comprised of a board consisting of civilian personnel, from the ranks of business, women from management and no government involvement whatsoever at this point. I recommend special human relations personnel with good training, good qualifications and common sense.
Now, get it together and get your representation on board, choose carefully and wisely as to whom and what will represent you, but get on with it! The choices are NPF (National Police Force) or MPPAC (Mounted Police Professional Association Canada).
I also have a question for you, more really something for consideration – imagine if four/4 troops of female members and six/6 troops of male members were to dress in Service Order #1…..as you know the order of dress to be “Red Serge, Boots and Breeches”, accompanied by three/3 or four/4 troops of RCMP veterans in their civilian dress attire and led by a police/highland piper band. The parade marching on Parliament Hill, would it be disrespectful, conduct unbecoming? I think NOT!
Conduct becoming a member. I think so and so would the public. This is not an old age “Regina Riot” but a respectful, forthright presentation of who the members are and what you stand for. History will show that you took charge of a once proud Force that is in a downward spiral, from within, and took control back. It will be worthwhile, the pride I know you will feel in your gait, amongst your fellow members, with the sound of a pipe band, will tell you what you’re doing is right. The badge you wear tells you that.
All the young university women of Ottawa and Carleton say, even while under threat of expulsion, “Stand up, Speak up, Stand Proud, Speak Loud”
Don’t let anyone tell you the Musical Ride is stretching your resources thin. The best PR you have – the world’s famous and respected – just clean up the officer i/c and the members inside.
Labour unrest was attempted to be dealt with by members in Burnaby BC…250 members, May 1, 1974. The following day more than 600 Toronto area Mounties listened to a presentation by Toronto Police Association and 605 out of 620 cast votes in favour of a union. Eight/8 days later, roughly, 2500 Mounties from Ottawa and Toronto met at the Ottawa Civic Centre to demand change.
The 14-point plan that was accepted in which DSSRs (Division Staff Relations Representatives) for each province would meet with the Commissioner and his Deputies once a year to discuss the grievances of the members. Time would reveal that the commitments/promises made were meaningful but EMPTY.
The DSSRs, across time, became servants of the upper ranks of the Force, more like carrier pigeons, taking information on the members back to the higher ranks. As the Force was pulled on side of the government in power, no independence, not backing of discipline, no esprit de corps, tradition, began to disappear and it was easier to go along.
Too many in positions of authority held control – it’s a career ending move to step out. Many good members in the field did not survive and new ones to come.
Look at the member on the street of Moncton NB, on his knee on the pavement, head bowed, the position of the arm and sidearm. His facial expression. What does helplessness and despair look like in the face of unnecessary tragedy?
How many more studies?
How many more studies? OH? ‘We are looking into it’.
Answers or No Answers or No Answers at All
How Many More Deaths?
Expose what’s happening INSIDE the Force – be part of the movement in history that will bring Canadians onside – no more cover-ups for you to continue to deal with.
Your actions, respectfully, will speak louder than any words. DO IT in every division, at each parliamentary building, simultaneously.
Push has come to PUSH BACK!!
In training now at Depot Division (cadets), recruits DO NOT get counselling or are required
to be instructed in harassment or conduct as they are not members of the RCMP
until they receive their badge at the end of training.
Entering training, no exam, no physical testing until you arrive, references are done
by phone. Friday afternoons at Depot until Monday morning you can book out and
stay at a hotel and do whatever you want. ‘Discipline’ does not exist. What now is
coming at us? If you have to be instructed about harassment – and they’re
not even talking about the word ‘sexual’ you should not be in the Force in the first
place. Do you have a rite of passage?
In the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP – September 2017 –
upper rank positions do not have to take courses or lectures in this discipline as they
are “exempt”.
The very people who have committed these offences are now protected and for the most
part the cover up – COVER UP. What a way to run a system. Most of them have no
experience and even less inclination to back up or support the members in the field right
across Canada.
As noted in the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP it starts off “For
the Last Several Decades” senior leaders have developed a host of “action plans and
initiatives”, there has been little real change in the day to day experiences of many RCMP
members and employees, rather, their trust in the organization has only eroded further.
What would one expect? The ‘action plans and initiatives’ were NEVER put into force.
They were plans never enacted or disciplined, no enforcement of these PLANS NEVER
LAST SEVERAL DECADES of studies, reports, reviews and committees, how many more are
required? If the rules are there, then enforce them! It’s called DISCIPLINE!
What are the rules in your home? Are they enforced? What happens if they are not, how
and what do your children become?
Yet we are dealing with ADULTS – adults with badges in their pockets. Yet we have to do
another 32 – 40 years of studies to instil a moral decency in the government control
(RCMP) and we are still avoiding, covering up, the word ‘SEXUAL’.
What of PTSD? How many decades will it take to do this one? How many FAMILIES do
we lose over this trauma? A lot if the RCMP are in control of it. The highest of ranks
would have you believe they did their best. They didn’t even do a little bit – from
Inspector to Superintendent, to C/Superintendent to Assistant Commissioner to
Deputy Commissioner, including Commissioner – lengthy service of coverups. THEY ARE NOW DEAD IN THE WATER – have been for some time, yet they are asking the rank and file to stay true, to stay in step. It is the highest level of hypocrisy that has ever existed in the Force.
We lost another member of the Force due to suicide….Michael Lerat from F-Division,
Saskatchewan October 10, 2017. 43 years of age. Please ask – find out how the RCMP
drive these members out, how they are dealt with, what the families of members have
Stand up for the field members, they are in every community across Canada. You know
them and their families. YOU have a powerful voice in these issues. All police forces
are accountable to you – the PUBLIC. While you’re at it, stand up for our girls, young
women in all our universities across Canada. HELP THEM on the sexual harassment. There
is no governance or Boards there that are accountable. Start expelling the young men.
Stop trying to threaten the young women with expulsion when they speak out.
S/Sgt. R. Blundell – K-Division Alberta, S/Sgt Pearson E-Division, British Columbia,
Inspector Tim Shields. Find out who these people are, every member of these divisions
who wear the uniform can tell you they are sexual predators in a uniform and why it has
taken it so long to discipline them.
I know the answers – do you?
Then please look up one of the good guys. RCMP Staff Sergeant Ken Smith
Actual 2001 – Operation Harassment
CBC News February 15, 2006 Reporter Carolyn Dunn
The National February 2006
A question for our Prime Minister Who makes up your speeches?
You don’t. You have the presence of a play actor, a performer. The speeches do not come
from within you but are performed by you. Theatrical performer. You have no idea about
Canadians. It is all about you.
Justin Trudeau is a gelding trying to run with stallions. JT = Juvenile Twit.
Where are these once proud veterans of the RCMP, worrying about your coffee klatches,
golf game?
How about the rape of our new recruits, the PTSD and suicides of too many members –
oh, that’s right, “keep me out of it, Don, I didn’t create it, I just covered it up”.
Your silence is deafening Veterans and your silence is consent.
D.M.D. (Don) Matheson
Regimental Number 22761 H62/63