October 3, 2020
Premier Moe,
How often do we need to ask someone to help, especially those who are in positions who say they will help their citizens.
So the fact, Premier Moe, is that you did not have the decency to acknowledge receipt of my correspondence, my letter to you of August 3, 2020. I will now appeal to you as a dad, a grandfather, a Poppa. I have earned those titles and what they mean to me, Premier, is that can I not only stand up for issues that arise in my country, my Canada, my home, I must stand up to these issues, or why am I here?
So Premiere Moe, why are you here? I believe you to be an honest man, a dad that cares, a loving husband, “the proof should be in the pudding”, or as my late wonderful mother would say, “don’t talk, talk, talk to me, show me your deeds”.
I’m going to ask you once again, Premier, to get involved in the tragic issue of Heather Gray and her son, and to order a criminal investigation into what is going on in the Regina Police Service and other police chiefs in your province. Along with some politicians as previously pointed out to you,
Few of these officers mentioned deserve to wear their uniform and their continuance to wear their uniform is an insult to all good police officers. Again, Premier, will you be part of the problem or part of the solution?
They say that behind a good man there’s a greater woman. I believe that to be true in most families and I don’t believe you’re the exception to the rule.
So, to quote your good wife, in her interview in Saskatoon Star Phoenix (thestarphoenix.com) Kathy Fitzpatrick, March 8, 2019, last updated one year ago, Krista Moe walks her dog outside in Shellbrook SK, Feb 16, 2019.
Heather Gray has PTSD agoraphobia and CAN’T WALK OUTSIDE, ANY DAY.
Krista Moe acknowledged, “we went through some tough years in farming”. Heather Gray is in her 23rd year of tough times and still continues today. Yet she has done nothing wrong. You can fix this, Premier, MAKE IT RIGHT!
Your wife, “it’s hard to get ahead when you’re really young and there’s no profit to be had”. Heather Gray does not want a profit, only what is fair and due to her.
Your wife answering a question, “Did you ever expect to be married to the Premier?” “No”, she blurts out laughing. “But Scott has always been involved in the community.” Krista Moe still enjoys learning more about his role as Premier and attending events that are important to that role. Heather Gray doesn’t laugh, she has no reason to, SHE CRIES, AND SHE CRIES ALONE. Yet Scott is involved in the community, is Heather Gray and her son not part of the community, your province and what’s important in his role?
“In their tidy and tastefully furnished home in Shellbrook, an elegant grand piano exists at the end of a long room.” Heather Gray had a tastefully furnished home and belongings, they were destroyed and not by her and who is making this right?
Krista you are 44, Heather Gray is 61, let’s take you back, Krista 23 years. That would make you 21. Those years ahead would not be….lost, gone forever, who gives them back? You stated, “you kind of get lost in playing a piece you enjoy.” Heather enjoys NO PEACE, no time. Your husband, the Premier, has the power to put in play for Heather Gray, to UNLOCK any more lost years.
“Krista likes cross country skiing, snow shoeing, cycling and spending time outdoors in any other way possible” Even just walking. Heather Gray will do none of this, even just the walking. She also curls, and Krista says, “family would go up to Flin Flon and La Ronge and see some country than we wouldn’t have otherwise visited, and it’s just so beautiful there, ” she says. Doing all this in an era before social media kept people virtually connected.
She also reads nonfiction, preferably, especially true stories from the holocaust, because of the AMAZING resilience shown when people are tested by events. Like Heather Gray! She is ALIVE, Mrs Moe, despite all odds! Isn’t that resilience you like to talk about? Maybe Regina isn’t too far away to see this live for yourself. Krista says, “I find it very interesting, what sorts of troubles people are dealt in life and how they deal with it,” she explains.
Resilience comes to mind when Krista describes her mother, who built her dream cabin at the lake. Heather Gray is locked in her rented house, about to live in her truck or a bedbug infested seniors’ apartment.
“Krista’s mother gave a lot to her community”. So has Heather Gray, also, for abused and neglected children and to the citizens of Regina (and Moose Jaw) for 20 years. “I think there’s just always a course people are interested in.” How about a life, and that of a young boy, who has also lived through this hell…who, I may compare, is only a few months younger than your son. How old was your son when he went through this hell? Compare Krista.
“Krista says of her willingness to pitch in to make improvements; it gives her a sense of contributing.” Heather Gray is unwillingly locked away and cannot no longer contribute. Out of sight, out of mind. Abandoned.
Krista, you stated with reference to your pharmacy partner, “we’ve never had a fight”, Heather Gray has to fight for her very life and her young son for 23 years, yet, with the stroke of a pen can be the authority or put in place the authority to have her tragedy/travesty settled and resolved.
Heather Gray is only wanting to live while she IS ALIVE or is that too much to ask Mrs. Moe? Your husband just needs to do the right thing. “Krista still happy in her business and progression still focus on family and community.” As was Heather Gray at one time in her life. What does ‘mother’ and ‘friend’ mean to you? What does a mother who cares mean to you, Krista Moe?
Let’s have a look, Scott Moe, as to some of your choices. You can go down with the ship, abandon the ship or really start bailing and bailing hard. Or, like the Tutor jet aircraft, T-33. Tip tanks on both wings, Tip tanks carry extra fuel and when the fuel is used up they are jettisoned, allowing the aircraft to fly farther and faster. I don’t really think you have been involved in who Don Morgan is, your Attorney General with four other portfolios. So, you can jettison him and his crooked cronies or go down with the ship, or crash and burn.
Little info for you…the damage from the initial abuse of Heather Gray is bad enough but the interference by the now Chief of Moose Jaw Police, Rick Bourassa, currently on the board of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), to get Heather Gray’s case reversed by the WCB Board, is reprehensible. Who really are these police officers? If Clive Weighill and Rick Bourassa have been on this Board then you have a very real reason for concern.
Minister Don Morgan did so much more to destroy Heather Gray’s life when he blocked her WCB case from being reopened and accepted by the Board. That all transpired when he and Health Minister Jim Reiter purposefully, and without her knowledge and consent, in 2017 accessed and read her WCB case. Then Minister Morgan placed correspondence on her WCB case that effectively and successfully blocked her case from being able to go to the Board for the “presumptive” clause, knowing that it would annihilate any chances she’d have from getting all her back wages, benefits, pension and so forth.
If not for Minister Morgan interfering in 2017, regarding her getting all her back wages losses/benefits/pension, Heather would’ve received about $800,000.00+ (at the very least and she should have), from back pay and would be living alive today. Morgan sent Heather Gray to her demise and utter desperation.
The main players who were responsible for the cover-up and further damage are Rick Bourassa (2007) Board Hearing where he planted lies and mischaracterizations to get Heather’s WCB case reversed and then led to the horrors in 2009.
Christine Tell who, along with Rick Bourassa, in 2009, helped destroy everything Heather owned and did such horrendous destruction to her property, costing her tens of thousands of dollars plus led to her near death.
Don Morgan, who interfered in the WCB case to block any chance that it had of being accepted under the ‘presumptive clause’.
Those three…..Bourassa, Tell and Morgan did the worst of the damage from 2007 onward and they finished her.
Clive Weighill was the Deputy Chief who held Heather’s fate in his hands at RPS and should have rescinded the illicit workplan. Rather, he was a coward who wouldn’t stand up to the bullies…..Forbes, Hoedel, Hodgins-Locke and Griffin. Weighill watched Heather Gray have a complete break-down. Within a year she couldn’t survive that damage. She faltered and ended up having to leave the career she had loved and she knew Weighill knew it was because of him.
Clive Weighill flatly refused to allow Heather’s harassment case to be investigated and it’s illegal to do that. Joanne McCune (RPS Human Resources Harassment Coordinator) warned D/Chief Weighill and Chief Johnston that it was illegal.
The rogues’ gallery, after the workplan, were Clive Weighill, Rick Bourassa, Christine Tell and Don Morgan. Don Morgan’s little move to allow her WCB case to be re-opened as of July 2020, was not adequate. Opening her WCB case will only be more of the same. WCB is a lost cause now.
They, WCB, had caused Heather more significant harm over the years and destroyed her family. Years and years and years of jumping through their hoops, submitting medical documentation, statements, reports, attending hearings they don’t even take seriously, and then watching incompetence botch the “entire investigations” just like the ‘Polly wants a cracker’ that’s arriving on the scene in 2020 in the name of her “strong advocate”, Daniel Parrott. What he’s doing now, I’m sure, is just more torture for her.
I’m going to introduce you to “Polly wants a cracker”, Daniel Parrott.
I’ve just finished listening to one hour and 5 minutes of a voice recording of Parrott and Heather Gray. During my entire lifetime I have never come across someone that brown noses this bad…and all to bosses at WCB. I had an extremely hard time listening to the whole conversation never mind just a portion of it. If anyone files a claim under a WCB claim, your case is over before it will be heard. Look him up. NEWS PEOPLE, c’mon Premier, clean this cesspool out, now that you are Premier, or why did you bother running?
Are there any Eberle’s in the WCB crew?
WCB in SK is a farce and it’s made up to find on the side of employers and the government, during most years the excess left over is turned back to contributors. So what did Regina Police Service get; they called it an ‘award’. The wCB excess was in the millions, sometimes hundreds of millions……so who’s being denied their legitimate claims and who’s getting these kick-backs?
They do not have workers, they destroy workers and they have done that for over 20 years for Heather Gray. Any of you workers listening? Much of Heather’s situation hangs on the WCB and they have damaged her case so much that it is ridiculous to even think that anything could be salvaged for Heather through them.
I’m sure after listening to the recording, “Polly wants a cracker” Daniel Parrott, and what it is doing and not doing would be reprehensible for Heather Gray. Parrott is clearly under the marching orders of MORGAN and after listening to the recording it’s certainly clear that he does not have Heather Gray’s interest at stake. Some quotes from the phone call are following.
WCB has never, since the 2005 decision, had Heather’s interest in mind. She has proven her case significantly over the years with dozens and dozens of pieces of evidence yet they don’t put any stock in her expert medical doctor’s decisions. So the cops are the experts now, a lot of carbon copy, as with the RCMP.
So what system in SK can be trusted or are they all tainted? Like to hear from you Saskatchewanians.
Parrott has a mousy, whiney voice.
Here are some of his quotes….
Parrott: “We don’t have to expose everything, just a little, they (WCB) have taken bullying and harassment off the table, they have temporarily accepted testimony on OCD so we don’t need to tell it all, not the bullying and harassment or just a little, let’s use the police work, just enough to get you back in the game. Ya! Ya! Ah, ha! Ya! Ya!”
Parrott: “Talk about the child service task force, not the bullying and harassment, the policing aspect of the BIG BANG BOOM” This is where the recording gets really strange….66 minutes of listening to an old “fixer”. I found it not only unbelievable but absolutely unbearable. You would need to hear this recording to believe that someone would actually be speaking like this to an injured worker suffering from trauma.
Parrott: “It’s at my fingertips here, I’d have to go into the WCB system and haven’t yet. Yours is the more OCD and those issues. We have to look at the outside of this. I’ll paraphrase but the cognitive reasons are not about bullying or sexual harassment.”
It was sickening for me listening to this guy, Parrott.
Heather Gray: “Gawd, there’s so much evidence of bullying and harassment, how much more do you need?” a long, long pause…..91 seconds….(this is where good police techniques come in. Heather had him stumped, now wait for him to speak, not the police officer. Parrott had to speak, Parrott is the so-called ‘strong advocate’ they promised would be assigned to her case.) Then this strong advocate (Parrott) speaks “yes, but it’s not about bullying and sexual harassment.”
How the hell did this Worker’s “Advocate”, Parrott, get a job?
Parrott: “Something happened at your work but not bullying and harassment, that has no bearing on what happened to you.”
Gray talked about the married police officer who forcibly assaulted her. “I couldn’t move” “this man was married, a fellow police officer who had two small children, penetrated me…” I said enough for now…..Heather knew her career was over if she spoke publicly or came forward. Just ask some RCMP officers, yet they went silent and took a payment, many of them today wish they hadn’t.
Longer, longer, longer pause by Parrott……
Parrott: ”What do you wanna do Heather?”
Heather: “I don’t know”
I could tell that he couldn’t deal with what he was hearing, nor did he want to.
Heather went onto tell about her husband beating her. She said if she charged him he would lose his job and the family needed the financial support he produced. Another full pause, I’m not talking about 91 seconds this time. Parrott was saying nothing on the recording. Heather explained that the senior officer that assaulted her transferred into CID and became in charge of her unit.
Again, Parrott stayed silent. What the hell is this guy even doing as a ‘strong advocate’. He had just put Heather Gray through all of this over again. Another long pause…..was he excited or he just couldn’t deal with what had happened to Heather?
Parrott: (finally speaks) “So what do you want to do, Heather?”
Heather: “I don’t know”
If I’d been near this man I’d have thrown him out. How the hell did he get this job?
What did you do, Scott Moe, tell Morgan to handle this? A complete conflict of interest, and criminal behavior to boot. What are you doing Premier?
Parrott: “I will do the research – all the old stuff, you know I have 20 – 25 files, keeps me from making mistakes, you know, brain dead. I’ll have to talk to my manager to go over things. I don’t want to ambush or overwhelm them with something shocking.”
What the hell is forcible sexual penetration, get this guy off this job, I can see why Morgan wanted him, a ‘paid fixer’, somebody look into this guy Parrott and Morgan.
Parrott: “I’ll just have them read it as it is straight forward Heather. We’ll just give them a little outline. You’ll have to do all the heavy writing and lifting.”
Heather: “Who will be on this Board? If it’s W. Eberle I’ll just faint”.
Parrott: “I don’t have this, it’s not in my computer, I’m not really into all this. The new Board might need a little bit, but we don’t need it all. Yet we don’t need all the other stuff, it’s just about police work.”
Heather: “How do we move this forward?”
Parrott: “Do you have a psychiatrist? Do you want to bring them into this or just a small piece of police work and medical clinical problems? Do you want me to contact your people?”
Heather: “Yes.”
Parrott: “Then I want to talk about the causes, the aspects of police work.”
Heather: “How fast to a Board hearing for my inquiry?”
Parrott: “It takes doctor time to return my inquiries. The key piece for me is their reply and about the Board review. The police experiences, Ha! Ta! Ta! Tada!” “Did we cover everything? I think so. I’ll keep you in the loop. Okay, bye bye for now”.
Parrott has not gotten back to Heather Gray, this ‘strong advocate’, Morgan’s ‘fixer’. And they never will, not until the election is over. He and his good buddy, Clive Weighill, who Morgan appointed as Chief Coroner…..they can do the autopsy together of Heather Gray. Surprise, surprise Morgan, Heather Gray is not dead yet. But whoever acclaimed you and your buddy Christine Tell had better un-acclaim you both. And do it fast. Or take away their portfolios.
A child could read and see what’s going on here, everyone except the highest people who should be paying attention and stepping up. These rogues have almost become the “dirty dozen”.
Premier, the case of Heather Gray speaks volumes of who we are, you are as a society, this is much a story of her plight, as a story of “US”. We care so little of others, and we are just sitting around and watching this all unfold, while it happens, and we do NOTHING.
Have you, people who are in charge of SK, ever heard the phrases, “she ain’t heavy she’s my sister”, or “he ain’t heavy he’s my brother”? Or when Christ sat down on a park bench and the man beside him asked Christ “how could you allow all this suffering that’s going on in the world?” Christ smiled and said, “I was about to ask you the same thing”.
As an added note regarding Wayne Mantyka’s interview with Heather Gray. Mantyka, a 44-year reporter within your city, advised Heather Gray not to talk about bullying and sexual harassment, but to talk about the little boy who died. Wayne Mantyka’s words and, I quote, “the rest are just little dust ups with a boss”. Seriously? A “dust-up” with a boss? Clearly he’s never experienced the horrific bullying, mobbing and harassment plus sexual harassment and sexual assault that Heather Gray has been subjected to. NONE OF THAT IS A “DUST UP WITH A BOSS”!!
So, what side are you on, Premier Scott Moe? I think the pen is about to become mightier than the sword, as it should be.
I remain, without fear, favor or affection.
D.M.D. (Don) Matheson
Regimental # 22761 H62-63
R.C.M.P. ol’ title rub clean mop and polish